What's your favorite...

I am on the hunt, and you can help! If you are working on loosing weight also, and have a favorite treat, recipe, or food I'd love to hear about it. Post it in the comment section, and I'll give it a try! Thanks so much for visiting!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Loving that fiber!

This is one of my new favorite recipes. I just found the cereal in the cereal section with all the funny organic (I don't know why organic is funny - it just is) weird stuff. I just picked one, and I really like it! The serving size is a 1/3 cup of the cereal; I use about 1/8. That is only one point and it feels me up plenty! I put 1 table spoon of reduced fat peanut butter, 1 sliced small banana, and 1 tsp of the Pampered Chef Sweet Cinnamon sprinkle. Mix it all up and YUM! Ok, something VERY IMPORTANT to note when cooking this stuff in the microwave. WATCH IT the entire time! The first time I made it, I boiled it over four times. Okay, maybe I'm not the brightest crayon in the crayon box, but still, it boils over fast!!! So save yourself some time, and just watch it. I only do it about two minutes, even though it says 3-4. I figure it to be about 4 points, not bad at all. And it keeps with you for a good 3-4 hours. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Happy Fun Pants said...

I've done a version of this too - and sometimes I add a package of lite/diet cocoa mix (I think they're made by Swiss Miss)...which gives it a chocolate-y flavor that's nice sometimes.

But I agree - it totally fills me up! :)